Thursday, August 28, 2014

EXO’s Chinese Members Discuss Their Knowledge of 90s K-Pop

Earlier today, idol group EXO held a press conference at the CJ E&M Center in Seoul for their new show on Mnettitled EXO 90:2014, and they answered various questions from the press regarding the show.
EXO’s new variety show, starring the EXO members, will show the members remake old songs from the 1990s into a newer 2014 version.

It cannot be expected that everyone in EXO will be familiar with 90s K-pop, with all members born in the 1990s and some members hailing from another country.
When asked about their knowledge about 90s K-pop, Luhan, one of EXO’s Chinese members commented,

“I can sing all the songs from H.O.T. I know a lot about our senior artists from the 90s.” 

Fellow Chinese member Tao responded very differently from Luhan, however, saying,

“Honestly, I do not know 90s idols very well. However, their songs are good. Our seniors took care of us very well, and after hanging out with them, I came to learn about 90s songs.”

Tao apologized for not knowing many 90s songs with a shy “Sorry” at the end.Another Chinese member, Lay, said:

“It’s a huge honor for us to remake and once again sing the song of our respective seniors, and at the same time it makes us very nervous too. I’m also senior BoA‘s fan.”

 EXO 90:2014 will start airing on August 15 at 10 p.m. KST.

Source: soompi

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