Thursday, May 15, 2014

News or Rumors :(

I didn't believe at first but when I realize it it may be true because other fans and sasaeng would never make up saying that Baekhyun got slapped and also D.O got slapped in this situation. Honestly, I don't know what to believe any more.. There are so many things that happened that it is so hard to believe. But what I don't believe is that what Tao posted on his IG and Chanyeol. Chanyeol could not read, write or talk in Chinese. And Tao.. I believe he is not like that. That is not very much the Tao we know. And when some fans said that they heard Baekhyun shouted at the 3rd floor of SM ENTERTAINMENT and they heard like he said "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I believe it's true but it could also be not. From the past, Chen said that there is a floor where all rooms are sound proof but will the fans still make up rumors in a situation like this? I don't think so. For the part that soo many fans and sasaeng fans are gathered in front of SM BUILDING it is not true. Go here -- Click this 

While EXO-K were dancing at M! Countdown they were dancing aggressively. Does some one know why the CEO is new now? Many like Lee Soo Man and I admit Lee Soo Man is much better than Kim Young Min. (Jeosonghamnida~) THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS EXO DID AND THIS IS JUST WHAT THEY GET IN RETURN?! WTH! They don't deserve this! They deserve to be happy, to be shower with lots of love and applause but what happen? This happen.. :'( I couldn't sleep for a 8 hrs.. :( I slept around 3 midnight then woke up at 6 AM. Seriously, I really love EXO to the point I was so shocked with the news that I couldn't cry and just stare at the screen for 15 minutes then I didn't realized I was crying... :'( EXO SARANGHAJA!! EXOWEAREONE! WeBelieveInYouKris.. Please tell me that Luhan, Baekhyun and D.O was not slapped... If I were in Korea right now, I would go in front of SM with my friends and some fans.. And sing EXO Songs to support them. I love EXO so much.. Why would SM do this? :(

-EXO Daily Update

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