Friday, May 9, 2014

Kai, Suho - 140509 Ministry of Education School Violence Prevention ‘StopBullying’ campaign twitter update

KaiSuho - 140509 Ministry of Education School Violence Prevention ‘StopBullying’ campaign twitter update: “학교폭력예방 음성멘트(종소리) 제작에 참여한 EXO 카이와 수호! 밝고 힘찬 목소리뿐만 아니라 학교폭력 근절을 희망하는 훈훈한 마음씨가 더 빛이 났습니다^^
Translation: “EXO’s Kai and Suho who participated in the School Bullying Prevention support video! Not only were their voices bright and strong but their sincere hopes for school bullying prevention were even brighter^^”

Credits: dailyexo

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