Friday, April 25, 2014

[TRANS] 140409 ALL EXO-M Anniversary Message


[FROM. LU HAN] Hello everyone, this is Lu Han.

In the blink of an eye, 2 years have already passed. Time really does pass quickly.
In the past two years, I’ve experienced so so much!...

I’ve also learnt so much, I’m really thankful to everyone!
I will work even harder!
I will work hard to improve myself, to perfect myself, to become someone that is worthy of all that you do for us!
I love you all! Exo, jiayou!


[FROM.TAO] Hello, This is EXO's Tao.

The me who will always love you all. Thank you for the love of each and every on of you have given to EXO.



Hello everyone
Time passes so quickly.
It's actually our second anniversary. I'm extremely happy and extremely grateful.
The 8th of April I remember when we first debuted and today are vastly different.
But you all are still by our sides, thank you. I'm grateful for your support for us.
We are still the same as before, because of all of your cheers we work hard, to not disappoint you all.
In this happy second anniversary, I wish for everyone's wishes to come true and for everything to go well.
I also hope that as in all your hearts there is us, behind us there is all of you.


Hello. This is EXO's Chen

Today marks the second year since our debut!!

I’ve had a really good day so far thanks to the number of congratulations I’ve received^^
Are you also having a good day?

There isn’t much time left in the day, so I want to spend it in warmth! Tomorrow, as well!!!

The fact that it’s already our second year seems almost unreal. But when I think about all the memories I’ve shared with everyone, I realize it’s been a very happy two years. I love you all.^^

We’re all going to make a whooooole lot more memories together, right??

And to the members who have walked alongside me for the past two years!!!! Luhannie Hyung, Xiumin Hyung, Kris Hyung, Suho Hyung, Lay Hyung, Chanyeollie, Baekhyunnie, D.O, Tao, Kai, and Sehunnie.

Thank you all. I love you.

EXO, let’s love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From. Kris

Thank you to all the fans and friends who constantly support EXO. We will continue to strive to reach greater heights.
Every one of you, meigeni, i like you, don’t ever change. Happy two-year anniversary to EXO. (he wrote this in Chinese)

Thank you very much for always being with us during the last 2 years.
From now on we’ll work even harder! We will make history. Happy two years! (He wrote this in Korean)



We are one!!
Hello. This is EXO’s Xiumin, who is now 2 years old.

What day is April 8?? EXO’s two-year debut anniversary??
Nope~~ It’s the day when EXO cried eungeh~ eungeh~ and was born to meet all you fans!
As the days go by, over time, EXO has grown little by little!...
Watching this process are our EXO fans, giving us support and love!

Thanks to everyone’s overflowing love, I think EXO is growing quickly and healthily~
Thank you, always^^

I think the only thing we can give in return is to always do our best, become even cooler and show a better image.

That’s why! We worked hard to prepare this new album!
Everyone~ are your hearts ready for our new image?
I wish we, EXO, could meet everyone as soon as possible~ 

So let’s meet soon as promised and shout this together?
"We are one! EXO let’s love!"


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